Interested in Road Safety? Passionate about leading technologies? This pioneering research needs your help!
Privacy & Confidentiality
A variety of procedures have been developed to ensure that data obtained by means of the data collection system will be treated in full and complete compliance with all applicable privacy law and policy.
Any information that is obtained in connection with this study and that can be identified with you will remain confidential and will be disclosed only with your permission or if required by law (e.g., if subjected to a valid search warrant or a subpoena).
As soon as you begin participating in this study, your name and other identifying information will be separated from the raw data collected while you drive the vehicle and replaced with a number.
Raw data collected while you drive the vehicle will be encrypted (made unreadable) from the moment it is collected until it is transferred to one or more secure central storage locations.
Your name also will be separated from any data about you, either provided by you in response to questionnaires or gathered by researchers during the study, including crash investigation data, and will be replaced by the same driver number (for example, Driver 0011).
If you give us your permission by signing the consent form, we plan to publish the study results in reports and scientific journals. In any publication, information will be provided in such a way that you cannot be identified.